English for Academic Communication
Topic outline
Overall listening comprehension B1 (CEFR Alignment)
Students can understand straightforward factual information about common every day or job related topics, identifying both general messages and specific details, provided speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent.
Overall listening comprehension B1 (CEFR Alignment)
Students can understand straightforward factual information about common every day or job related topics, identifying both general messages and specific details, provided speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent. -
Overall reading comprehension B1 (CEFR ALIGNMENT)
Students can read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to his/her field and interest with a satisfactory level of comprehension.
Overall reading comprehension B1 (CEFR ALIGNMENT)
Students can read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to his/her field and interest with a satisfactory level of comprehension. -
Overall reading comprehension B1 (CEFR ALIGNMENT)
Students can read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to his/her field and interest with a satisfactory level of comprehension. -
Overall reading comprehension B1 (CEFR ALIGNMENT)
Students can read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to his/her field and interest with a satisfactory level of comprehension. -
Overall spoken production in between B1 and B2 (CEFR ALIGNMENT)
Students can give clear, detailed descriptions and presentations on a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of interest, expanding and supporting ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples.
Watch the video and answer the following questions:
1) What is the topic of this video?
2) What do you like about the presenter?
3) How does he start his talk?
4) What have you learned from his talk?