Industrial Biotechnology (2015)
Topic outline
1.1 Biotechnology
1.2 Applications of biotechnology
1.3 Industrial Biotechnology
1.4 Career prospects
1.5 Important skills required in biotechnology
2.1 Introduction2.2 The microorganisms2.3 The fermentation medium2.4 The fermentation2.5 Fermenter2.6 Product developement steps2.7 Product of Industrial Microbiology2.8 Environmental role of microorganisms
3.1 Mammalian cell culture3.2 Applications of mammalian cell3.3 Types of cell cultured in vitro3.4 Morphology of cell in culture3.5 Culturing mammalian cell in the laboratory
4.1 Introduction4.2 Classes of biomaterials4.3 Applications of biomaterials4.4 Characteristics of biomaterials4.5 Development of biomaterial devices4.6 Examples of biomaterials
6.1 Introduction6.2 Genomics6.3 Transcriptomics6.4 Proteomics6.5 Metabolomics6.6 Bioinformatics
7.1 Introduction7.2 Plant tissue culture7.3 Genetically Modified Plant7.4 Animal cloning7.5 Genetically modified animal
8.1 Introduction8.2 Biopharming8.3 Models of Human Disease8.4 Detecting and Diagnosing Human Disease8.5 Monoclonal Antibodies8.6 Gene Therapy8.7 Tissue engeneering8.8 Stem Cell Technologies8.9 Therapeutic cloning
9.1 Bioethic9.2 Biosafety
10.1 Patent10.2 Copyright10.3 Trademark10.4 Licence