Topic outline



    This course is designed to equip students with deeper understanding of family management in Islam.
    It covers  the concept of marriage, pre and post marriage. It also discusses about dissolution of marriage and it consequences.
    The course also discusses contemporary issues which  are related to marriage such as divorce, gamophobia, foster child and others.

  • Introduction to Islamic family system


    1. Purpose of life  (vicegerency).
    2. Reproduction and family system.
    3. The importance of family institution

    Expected Outcomes
    At the end of the course, students should be able to:

    1. Explain the purpose of life
    2. Explain the importance of family institution

  • Principles of Marriage


    1. Definition of marriage
    2. Objectives of marriage
    3. Significance of marriage
    4. Rulings of marriage

    Expected Outcomes
    At the end of the course, students should be able to:

    •  Explain the definition, objectives and significance of marriage

  • Pre-Marital Management


    1. Spiritual and mental preparation
    2. Physical and health preparation
    3. Characteristics of ideal soul mate
    4. Seeking background information and engagement

    Expected Outcomes
    At the end of the course, students should be able to:

    1. Define  and Explain all types of preparation
    2. Define and explain all types of management

  • Process of Marriage


    1. Pre marriage rulings
    2. Pillars of Marriage

    Expected Outcomes
    At the end of the course, students should be able to:

    1. Explain the pillars of marriage
    2. Explain the contemporary process of marriage in Malaysia

  • After Marriage


    1)Towards blessed family: The mechanism
    2)pouse rights
        - Wife’s rights over her husband
        - Husband’s rights over his wife
        - Shared rights
    3)Child rights
    4)Parents’ and others’ rights

    Expected Outcomes
    At the end of the course, students should be able to:

    1. Discuss the  responsibilities and  the types.
    2. Analyze the related issues.

  • After Marriage 2

    1)Parental responsibilities
    • Parents’ responsibilities towards their children
    • Children responsibilities towards their parents
    2)Good practices in family matters
    • Manners in seeking permission to enter parents’ bedroom
    • Aurah
    Expected Outcomes
    At the end of the course, students should be able to:
    1. Discuss the  responsibilities and  the types.
    2. Analyze the related issues.

  • After Marriage 3


    1. Financial management
    2. Sustenance (paternal and maternal) responsibilities towards their dependants.
    3. Sustenance from husband to  wife
    4. Priorities in household expenditure

    Expected Outcomes
    At the end of the course, students should be able to:

    • Explain Nafkah(sustenance) and its categories.
    • Discuss the priority of expenditure  in a family

  • Poligamy and Dissolution of Marriage


    1. Definition of poligamy
    2. Types of dissolution of marriage - talaq, fasakh, khulu’, li‘an, etc

    Expected Outcomes
    At the end of the course, students should be able to:

    • Define the definition and explain the concept
    • Explain the type of dissolution of marriage

    Al-Zuhaili, Wahbah. (1989). Al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuh. Cetakan ke-4. Beirut: Dar al-Fikr.
    Mustafa Khin, Mustafa al Bugha& Ali al Syarbaji, (terj. ZulkifliMohamad)(2009). Al Fiqh al Manhaji. Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor: Dar al Syakir.

  • Dissolution of Marriage 2

    1)Tafriq (saperation) through legal procedures
    2)Factors of tafriq

    • Failure in providing sustanance
    • Disgrace and disabilities
    • Other factors- ta’liq, li‘an and zihar

    Expected Outcomes
    At the end of the course, students should be able to:

    1. Demonstrate the understanding of each types of dissolution of marriage
    2. Analyze the contemporary issues of dissolution of marriage in Malaysia.

  • Dissolution of Marriage 3

    2)Types of iddah

    • Terms and conditions of iddah
    • Children rights and custody after dissolution of marriage

    Expected Outcomes
    At the end of the course, students should be able to:

    1. Explain the process of tafriq
    2. Discuss the factors of tafriq.